by romance author Elizabeth Reyes. Fate Series - A Moreno Brothers spinoff series! Signed copies of my books. Frequently Asked Questions and Announcements! View my complete profile. Thursday, October 2, 2014. I HAVE A NEW WEBSITE! I HAVE A NEW IMPROVED MORE USER FRIENDLY WEBSITE! This blog will remain up to redirect anyone still coming here to the new site but there will no longer be updates here.
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Monday, June 23, 2014. Review of Silence of the Wolf. I received this book in return for an impartial review. Wednesday, May 28, 2014. Review of Kissing with Fangs. I received this book in return for an impartial review. Sunday, May 18, 2014.
Please feel free to look around and make sure to check out the contest list at the botton of the blog for awesome contests at other sites. Enjoy! Wednesday, June 5, 2013. Heart of the Wolf Series. I will sat that I plan on reading the next book in this series. Due to her unusual birth, Amber has abilities no other werewolf has eve.
Official blog for Bridget Bowers to babble about everything in a life spent writing. The Chronicles of Vlandamyuir web page. Sunday, April 22, 2012. Besides, I was certain that in sports as in everything else talent is what would make you a success, right? It hits me.
Saturday, August 11, 2012. Vacation of Fear Book Tour Schedule. Vacation of Fear by J. Wilson begins August 20 and ends August 31. There will be 4 ebook giveaways. The giveaways will be held on participating blogs. Each participant will have their own set of rules for the giveaway. Links to the posts will be updated daily when the tour begins. Can Melody save Valery from the vampire that abducted her? Posted by Celise Winters.
I just might post about all three here on this blog. And if you want, drop me an email and tell me what you think. Thanks for visiting! View my complete profile. Monday, September 14, 2015. For my first edit assignment, I was tasked with reworking Ch. 1 of my MS, OUT OF THE ASHES. Give your story depth, rig.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010. Shadows Hills Trailer, Contest, and Sneak Peek. Releases in 6 days! To celebrate, she is hosting an awesomesauce contest for signed finished copies of her book. To enter, you fill out the form on her website here. Contest details can also be found at that link. 1 for voting for Shadow Hills on. Any of the Goodreads lists.
Saturday, October 27, 2012. Romeo Redeemed by Stacey Jay. What Happens Next by Colleen Clayton. Dearly, Beloved by Lia Habel.